Mission Scranton gives HOPE!
The purpose of Mission Scranton is to EMPOWER inner-city youth and families with HOPE by connecting them to life-changing relationships.
Staff and volunteers from across Lackawanna County participate in running three programs in the communities of Valley View and Hilltop. Their goal is to connect, mentor and empower the youth.
We go into the deepest part of the inner-city to build relationships and be part of the youth and families lives. We connect them to our relational programs, local church network, and other local resources to help them live victoriously within their challenging circumstances.
We develop programs that provide a safe environment and family-like relationships for children and youth. We have teams of mentors who act as role models and holistically care for the children and youth. We provide faith-based truth in teaching and counseling to help them understand life and make wise decisions.
The ultimate empowerment and victory in a broken and hurting world is pointing people to Jesus Christ who brings about lasting life change and healing. We strive to provide the knowledge, skills, and opportunities that moves youth and families from surviving to thriving, to making a difference in their church and community.
“We all had a group day and went bowling, went for ice cream, and watched a movie… You guys are so caring and loveable towards the kids and I felt like family towards you guys.”
- Scranton Student, Shanya
life change programs
This program serves Valley View neighborhood students in 1st - 12th grade where our team provides a meal, fun and creative environment, tutor help, life teachings from bible, and mentor groups. This program also specializes in life skill development and equipping for our teen students.
hilltop outreach
This is a new developing program that was launched in a new neighborhood site where we serve students in 1st - 12th grade. Our team provides a safe environment where students can build positive relationships, enjoy a meal, play, create, and learn life lessons from the bible.
Teen track
This program serves youth students in 6th - 12th grade where our team provides a meal, a fun and relational environment, life teaching from the bible, and mentor groups. This is a pivotal program that seeks to guide the youth on their life decisions that will impact the rest of their life.
On Sundays we transport the students and their family to our local church partner’s service. This is an opportunity for them to become part of a supportive church family, access more life-changing opportunities, and develop as leaders while serving in the church ministries.

Our leadership
Dr. Mike Stallard
Founder, Chairman of the Board
Nate Miller
Executive Director
Mission Scranton Board Members
Dr. Mike Stallard, Founder of Mission Scranton, International Ministries Director at Friends of Israel •
Curtis Kenyon, Lead Pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Scranton • David Draper, Treasurer at New Life Baptist Church in Scranton • Nathan Miller, Executive Director of Mission Scranton